30 November 2009

Don't Tell Nawlins

I am frantically trying to find something for the kids to eat for lunch. Pasta is out as there is a potential dinner playdate today and it will be the safest bet for that. No fish sticks in the freezer, no polenta in the fridge, no couscous in the cupboard.

"Hey..." I venture. "Do you guys want some...uh...fake sausage? With...tomato sauce? And, um...some rice?"

Wrinkled noses, a mini-chorus of "No!"

Thirty seconds later...

"Hey, do you guys want some gumbo?"

"Yeah! Gumbo!"

Onions, carrots, sausage, frozen spinach, tomato sauce, a little spicy veggie broth. Saute first three, add everything else, simmer, serve over rice. They gobbled it up. It's amazing what's in a name.


Michael A. Burstein said...

Sounds yummy!

penny said...

Warning: not sure they'll grow out of it.

It totally sounds like conversations in my house also known as adventures in feeding my husband. Would you like (quinoa with lentils and herbs)? No. Would you like (a warm autumnal pilaf)? Yes!

He eats it if I name it. Unless I leave identifiable onions or mushrooms.

Melissa said...

The name works for me. Sounds like they have good taste. Maybe that's what I should be having for dinner too.

Dating Sites Vancouver said...

I love how changing the presentation of food can make all the difference.